College Counseling
韦恩弗雷特的大学咨询项目旨在帮助学生顺利完成大学搜索和申请过程. 它的目标是帮助学生从大量的大学中找到可能的最佳“匹配”——实际上是数千所可供考虑的大学. This should be an exciting time for students; it is a time for reflection, self-discovery, and important decision making. 大学咨询办公室的工作是利用这个过程提供的bet365官网机会, 该项目的目标之一是帮助学生bet365官网如何接近并最终做出重要决定. 认识到这对学生和他们的家庭来说往往是一个非常焦虑的时期, another one of the program’s major goals is to reduce this anxiety.
这是一个重要的原则,经常被强调给学生,他们控制的过程尽可能多. 该计划强烈坚持学生需要为自己的选择负责的原则. 他们需要带头确定什么对他们来说是最重要的,最终, where to apply. 他们对实际应用程序承担主要责任也很重要. Not only is this the most honest approach, 但大学经常报告说,最好的申请是那些能真正了解学生个人的申请. In the College Counseling Office, we work hard to guide students through all parts of the process, to answer any and all questions, and to give important feedback.
大学搜索过程在学生三年级的下学期正式开始,在1月份举行家长信息发布会(尽管办公室很乐意在任何时候安排与学生和家庭的会面)。. At that time, 大学咨询团队提供了一个关于Waynflete大学搜索过程的方法的演示,并提供了许多父母需要帮助孩子的信息. 此外,他们还邀请家长与他们一起帮助学生完成整个过程.
At the same time, 三年级学生开始每周以小组形式与大学辅导员会面,并安排单独的会议来解决具体的问题和目标. These meetings continue through the first semester of senior year. With the help of their college counselor, 初中生专注于如何研究和决定申请哪里. The primary focus in senior year is on completing applications.
当然,大学申请实际上早在大三春季之前就开始了. For example, 学生们在整个高中阶段都在整理他们的成绩单——这是任何申请中最重要的部分. Faculty advisors work closely with advisees each year on course selections. 学生们积极地考虑他们当前的课程选择将如何影响未来的选择——无论是在高中还是在大学. 顾问和大学辅导员定期审查课程选择,并考虑到大学的进程.
作为全国大学入学咨询协会的机构成员, Waynflete subscribes to the NACAC Statement of Principles of Good Practice, 这份文件明确了大学录取过程中应该遵循的高道德标准.
Grade 9 – freshman year
- Working with your advisor, pursue the most challenging, 可持续的课程负担适合你的兴趣和优势——大学会仔细检查韦恩弗莱特的个人资料提供了什么.
- Learn about and join extra-curricular activities, sports, and clubs Waynflete has to offer, as well as opportunities for community service. Remember that a few sustained involvements are better than many shallower ones.
Grade 10 – sophomore year
- Take the PSAT10 and Pre-ACT (given to all sophomores in March).
- Meet with the college counseling office to determine which test you prefer.
- Consider summer opportunities to develop and explore interests, engage in the greater community, or take on the responsibility of summer employment.
Grade 11 – junior year
- 参加秋季学院代表会议,时间与自由活动时间一致
- Take the PSAT in October.
- Begin weekly college counseling classes in January.
- Plan for potential college visits over February, April, and Summer breaks.
- Participate in long-term and sustained test preparation.
- 注册参加ACT或SAT考试(通常在3月、4月或6月的考试日期);
- During the summer, 继续参加活动和就业,同时腾出时间参观校园, in-person interviews, and continued online research/engagement.
Grade 12 – senior year
- 继续参加每周一次的大学咨询课程,并与咨询师进行一对一的会面.
- Visit with college representatives at Waynflete during the fall.
- Register to retake the ACT or SAT before January 1.
While standardized testing often receives a great deal of attention, it is important to know that test scores are just one of the many pieces that colleges consider during the application process. Many colleges no longer require test scores, 根据学生的特长和兴趣,有几种标准化的考试选择. Moreover, the importance of scores varies from student to student, depending upon the other attributes that he or she possesses.
At Waynflete, bet365官网在大二春季通过PSAT10和Pre-ACT的管理向学生介绍标准化考试. Students do not have to register for these two exams. 大学咨询办公室将直接向考试机构订购必要的考试. 对二年级学生进行PSAT10和Pre-ACT考试的主要目的是让学生熟悉学院和大学用于入学目的的标准化考试的内容和形式. 大学辅导员与每个学生会面,讨论他们在这些练习考试中的成绩,并帮助他们确定哪种考试最适合他们的考试方式
Pre-ACT、PSAT10和PSAT/NMSQT成绩不用于大学录取. In the winter/spring of the junior year, 学生与大学辅导员会面,讨论他们关于ACT和/或SAT以及非考试录取的计划. (在大三的夏季和大四的秋季有额外的测试机会. ) Waynflete cannot register students for the ACT or SAT. 请参阅下面的链接,学生应该使用注册ACT和/或SAT.
SAT Prep Course
Waynflete offers an SAT Prep Course for juniors seeking additional SAT preparation and support. Register for the SAT Prep Course through your enrichment account. To create an enrichment account, enter your email address to login. 点击“现在注册”,然后点击“开始申请2021-22年的课后和工作坊”.”
During registration, you will choose from the following:
- Full course (both Verbal and Math sections)
- Half course (either the Verbal section or Math section).
SAT Prep classes will be in-person for 2022. 学生需要一台电脑和一部手机上传到可汗学院的应用程序.
Prices are as follows:
Full course, both Math and Verbal sections: $700 (fee includes textbook)
Half course, one section (either Math or Verbal): $395 (fee includes textbook)
Official SAT Test Dates
You may sign up for the official SAT Tests at Official SAT exams will be held on March 12, May 7, and June 4, 2022, at nearby locations. **You will need to register at least four weeks in advance of the official test date; deadline dates are listed.
Prep Course Dates:
Tuesday, March 1: 3:30–5:00 p.m. (Verbal) | Tuesday, March 22: 3:30–5:00 p.m. (Verbal) |
Wednesday, March 2: 12:30–2:00 p.m. (Math) | Wednesday, March 23: 12:30–2:00 p.m. (Math) |
Tuesday, March 8: 3:30–5:00 p.m. (Verbal) | Tuesday, March 29: 3:30–5:00 p.m. (Verbal) |
Wednesday, March 9: 12:30–2:00 p.m. (Math) | Wednesday, March 30: 12:30–2:00 p.m. (Math) |
Saturday, March 12: *Official SAT test | Wednesday, April 27: Review 12:30–2:00 p.m. (Math), 2:00–4:00 p.m. (Verbal) |
Tuesday, March 15: 3:30–5:00 p.m. (Verbal) | Saturday, May 7: *Official SAT test |
Wednesday, March 16: 12:30–2:00 p.m. (Math) | Saturday, June 4: *Official SAT test |
College and Financial Aid Resources
“Turning the Tide” by Harvard Graduate School of Education
SAT Program Preparation and Registration
NCAA Eligibility Clearinghouse
Federal Student Aid: Understanding College Financial Aid
FinAid: The Smart Parent and Student Guide to Financial Aid